Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Worn Out Wednesday

Well, Cameron just came down with a cold or is cutting his 2 year molars. He hasn't been wanting to sleep in his bed for the past 2 nights and we are worn out to say the least. We have a king size bed so we have plenty of room, but when you have a little one laying beside you then you tend to allow them to have all the room and you not move an inch. Well, Shawn and I have been sleeping on our sides and on the very edge of the bed and Cameron has tons of room right there in the middle.

We put him to bed last night at 9:30 pm and he started screaming bloody murder at midnight so Shawn went in and got him. We laid him down between us after cleaning his nose and he went right to sleep. He was then up at 4 am and wanted to watch Mickey Mouse and have some juice. Shawn took him down to get some juice and they watched 1 episode of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and then we went to bed. So, to say the least we are worn out and hoping for a better nights rest tonight. We gave him some Motrin because he was chewing on his fingers so we thought that might help the discomfort if it was indeed his teeth, but I am not sure it helped. He hates having his nose wiped and all he does is sneeze and cough and of course his nose is running like a faucet....... Gotta love it.

1 comment:

Alicia W. said...

Bless your heart!! I remember those nights and I'm sure I'll be reminded of them again in the near future. Hang in there - it will get better and get lot's of oragel! :o) Have a great day!!