Thursday, October 23, 2008

Thankful Thursday

I picked up this idea from a couple other blogging friends and thought I would try my hand at it on this cold Thursday morning. So, what are you thankful for today? Share it on your blog or feel free to leave a comment.
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Today I am thankful for many things. First of all, I am thankful that I have such a wonderful God. Our God is understanding and loves us unconditionally. I am not perfect, actually pretty far from perfect and I know that I have my faults and I know for a fact that I am not worthy of his love, but he loves me no matter what and I am so thankful for that and to him. Thank you God for loving me no matter what my faults are and for always encouraging me to be a better person. You have taught me so much about being a Mom, daughter, teacher, wife, sister and servant and I feel so very blessed to have you walk this road with me everyday. I know that I couldn't handle this all on my own and with you walking by my side every single day makes the journey that much more special. You truly are an amazing God and I love you!!
I am also very thankful for the family that I have. Once again God had his hand in making me a part of this family. I have wonderful parents that I love and adore and can't imagine life without them. I have a sister that definitely needs God in her life, but I still love her and offer her help and guidance every single day of my life. I have a husband that is absolutely wonderful..... he loves me for who I am and never looks down on me. He cares for my family as much as I do and that means the world to me. Shawn is my best friend, confidant and a wonderful father to our son. He is truly the love of my life and I am so happy that God sent him my way. It is neat to see how God works in your life. I must say that my Thankful Thursday couldn't be complete without saying that I am also thankful for my son Cameron. This little boy of mine brings so much happiness and love to my life on a day in and day out basis. He is a miracle and a wonderful gift from God. I knew once again that when I was going through the fertility treatments that I couldn't go through it alone. I had my husband and the support of my family, but once again.... nothing compares to the love, help and guidance from our Lord. I turned it all over to God and told him that I couldn't go on this journey alone.... I needed his help! I need him to take all of my burden, stress and worry and carry it for me. I knew that if I wanted to be a Mother then I had to rely on him to help me. After years and years of trying, infertilty treatments after infertility treatments, I was finally blessed with my precious little miracle. I couldn't believe it!! I was pregnant and I was so excited. My dreams of becoming a Mom were finally going to come true. We are blessed every single day that we wake up and see that precious smiling face. Cameron is our light in the darkest of days and God so richly blessed us beyond our imagination and for that I am VERY thankful. You often wonder why you have to walk the rough roads in order to get to a smooth one, but as time passes you will eventually see the reasoning behind it all.
I will leave you today with a Bible verse that really speaks to my heart and helps me through some tough times.
"Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28


Davisix said...

Beautifully, beautifully written. God is so good!

He & Me + 3 said...


You are so blessed and do have so much to be thankful for. Your post was so awesome! Cameron is a beautiful gift from the Lord no doubt. He is precious! Thanks for sharing so your thankfulness today!

Candi said...

AMEN! We really do serve an awesome God. He is constantly giving us so much to be thankful for. I am thankful that he has given my beautiful baby boy a chance to get healthier with each passing day.