We received a couple inches of snow here in Ohio today. It was quite chilly, but I thought it was the perfect opportunity to allow Cameron to go outside and enjoy the snow. Shawn was out using the snow blower and I got Cameron all bundled up in his boots, clothes, snowsuit, mittens, and hat and we headed outside. Oh boy...... he LOVED the snow!! He had so much fun and you would have never even guessed that it was only 18 degrees out and suppose to drop even more later on. I don't have any boots so Shawn and him headed out to the yard and played in the front yard and backyard and they had a ball. I didn't want him to get too cold so we only allowed him to stay out for 10 minutes. We brought him inside and he was so upset!! He cried for about 15 minutes and cried for the snowman. I guess he puts the two of them together...... the snow and the snowman, but the snow was not snowman making snow so we couldn't make a snowman. Anyway, he is ready to head back out again and it is time for a nap. Here are some pictures that I took of my little snowman.
Park City Utah
2 years ago
what good pix. C likes to makes tracks in the snow. Whenever he walks out the front door, he runs strait for the snow covered yard instead of the sidewalk.
We are getting lots of snow now. They are calling for 5-7", we will see.
Several schools have closed early. I wanna live where MckMama lives with ALL her snow. ;)
He looks like he's having a ball!!
Doesn't look like we will get any snow pictures this year! It is suppose it get really cold tomorrow night though...15 degrees.But no snow:(
I love all the pictures...but am so sick of the snow. Ugh...I am freezing so bad today. Now I can't wait for it to warm up to 30 again. LOL
Super cute pics. Did he make it down the slide?
When they are little like that they are so fascinated with the snow and don't mind the cold. I'm glad he had so much fun!
Cameron looks so adorable all bundled up. :) Those pictures are absolutely wonderful and will make some really neat scrapbook pages!!!
Well, it is going to be a balmy -20 degrees tonight. Not sure if I will have to go to school tomorrow or not? The snow has ended here, until Saturday again. Friday is supposed to be even colder. Brrr~
Love and hugs,
Stacey :)
What a great series of pictures! My boys used to love playing out in the snow and still ask to play in it even now that we live in AZ!
Looks like so much fun! And going down the slide with snow and a snowsuit is super fast and fun!
Look at the snow! Your little boy is adorable and look like he is having fun!
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