All I have to say is that I love being pampered and Momma doesn't get it very often. My Mom was sweet enough to pay for me to get my hair done tonight and well I truly enjoyed every single minute of it. She colored my hair all over, put some light highlights in and waxed my eyebrows. Oh, do you all have any idea at all how GREAT I feel? Actually you probably wouldn't, but I am telling you that I feel like a new woman. I just feel so much better about myself and for once in a very long time.... I feel attractive and really good about myself. I really miss being able to get my hair done as frequently as I use to, but I would do it all again for Cameron. Afterall, Cameron is my whole world and this is why I do the things that I do in order for me to stay home with him and make sure that we are with him as much as we can. Alot of gals requested that I post a before and after picture so below you will find both of them. You all probably think that I normally wear my hair long or maybe I should say shoulder length, but actually I normally wear it short and having my hair longer has been driving me crazy. Ah, Momma feels great and is loving her cut, color and eyebrows. Yep, I think I am gonna have to sleep standing up tonight (lol).
cute new do!
Beautiful, it looks great. So glad you got to go and do that.
hot mama!! woo woo!!
Lovin the Sassy short do. That cut looks great on you!
I like it. You do look refreshed.
It is nice to be pampered. I love when someone else washes my hair, it just feels cleaner.
Love it!!!
Very cute!!! I know exactly how you feel. A haircut just makes you feel so good...well as long as it's a good cut. A while a go I had a terrible haircut and I'm still recoverying from it. I so need to go in and get pampered just like you did. Maybe I will call the hairstylist tomorrow and do just that.
Cute! I wish I could pull off short hair!
ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS!! I love the feeling a new haircut brings. Sometimes there is nothing like it. I am sure that Shawn loves it too. ;) Of course, you are beautiful anyway you wear your hair. :) Such a nice thing of your precious mom to do for you. They are great aren't they. I wouldn't know what to do without mine. :)
Love and hugs,
You look beautiful no matte what sort of hair cut you have! That smile will grab anyones attention!
Happy Birthday to your baby! Well now little man!
Super cute!
Very beautiful!
I love the way a new do makes me feel!
Well deserved Mama! well deserved!
I'm so glad you got that pampering done! You look great!
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