If you haven't heard the song "While I'm Waiting" by John Waller then you gotta check it out. This song is AWESOME!! It is a great song that is motivational and it puts things in perspective. Totally worth listening to and trust me when I say that you will enjoy it!!
Do you want to see a movie that will inspire you and touch your heart? Well, I certainly have the movie for you. My husband and I had a date today and it was so nice to get out and enjoy the day just the two of us. My husband asked me what movie I wanted to see and I said "FIREPROOF." He was really surprised that I didn't want to see Nights in Rodanthe, but after hearing all of the wonderful things about Fireproof I knew it would be money well spent. Not only was it money well spent, but after the movie was over, it totally left you thinking about how you treat your spouse. You don't have to be going through a divorce or be experiencing problems to enjoy the movie, but I can honestly say that it makes you stop and think about whether or not you are treating your spouse the way that you originally vowed to treat them. I definitely feel as though it is a movie for all married couples to see. I encourage all couples to see it and realize that you can
always improve upon your marriage in one way or another. I will admit that unfortunately there are times that my hubby and I get caught up in the everyday moments of life and we sometimes forget to remember our vows. We forget what we promised to one another and we might say hurtful things. Marriage is hard, it definitely isn't an easy job, but it is a job that requires each person to give 100%. You need to appreciate one another for who they are and not try to change them. You need to love one another unconditionally and never take each other for granted. If you feel as though your marriage needs the smallest bit of improvement then I encourage you to spend the money to go see it. You could have the perfect or pretty close to perfect marriage and still go see it and then share the word with others. All I can say is that it is a MUST SEE!!
So, grab yourself some buttered popcorn, a pop and something sweet if you are like me and sit down and watch this great movie. I can promise that you won't be disappointed. You might actually want to go watch it again......just like me!!
So, is your marriage FIREPROOF?
I too loved that movie so much! Can't wait to buy it on DVD! Glad you enjoyed it! I was sobbing next to my husband. I think while watching that movie I experienced every emotion. It was great!
I can't wait until football season is over so I can drag (he's not fond of going to the movies) my hubby to see this! Glad you had a fun date :)
So glad you enjoyed your date and the movie. It was AWESOME!!! Definitely a MUST SEE. I think even for newlyweds or engaged couples. Everyone could learn A LOT!!! There is always room for improvement.
This is a movie I will own and lend out whenever needed or wanted.
Are you going to do the Love Dare? We are. :)
Great song too!!! Thanks for the lyrics
So glad you had a good time. We really need to get out and see this movie. I have heard so many wonderful things about it.
Sooo glad you had a nice date night, complete with buttered popcorn and a "pop". :) Can't wait to see this movie!! I've heard nothing but rave reviews.
the movie has been out for seven weeks - you better hurry if you want to catch it in theaters! We saw it last week and glad we did because when friday came around, it wasn't at our theater anymore!
Thanks for the review! I totally see a movie date night in my future now. :o)
I can't wait to see this movie! Our church went as a group to see it one night, but my husband had just lost his job and we couldn't afford the admission. I can't wait till it's at Blockbuster!!!
Thanks for sharing the clip of the song in it. It sounds amazing.
I'm glad you got to go on a date. I go on about once a year.
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