I was checking out a fellow bloggers site tonight. I have been following her for a little while now, but when I found her blog..... I instantly had a soft spot for her. You see, she is currently dealing with a life with infertility and is getting ready to move forward with IVF. I was leaving her a comment after reading her latest post and was shocked that someone would leave a negative or a not so nice comment about her working towards making her dreams come true!! Kami is dealing with infertility like many other men and women in this world. It pains me to think that someone disagrees with the idea of working towards making your dreams come true. Evidently someone anonymously left her a comment and they were not supportive of her moving forward with IVF. I don't really know what all the comment had to say, but it must have been enough to shake her up a little bit.
My concern is this...... If you have NEVER walked a day in the shoes of someone that has dealt with INFERTILITY and you don't have anything nice to say..... then perhaps you shouldn't say anything at all. I dealt with alot of low blows like this when I was going through IVF and it hurts to know that there are so many women out there that can get pregnant at the drop of the hat and then they turn around and they are the first ones to judge someone when they are trying to get pregnant using a little bit of science. I will tell everyone here and now that I am a Christian. I believe that there is no other higher power then our Jesus, but I also can tell you that I am a firm believer that things happen for a reason. God has a plan for all of us and I believe that God's plan is put into place way before time. There are so many men and women out there that would do anything to be parents. They could probably give a better home then some other men and women out there, but I am not one to judge and either are you - if you are the one judging us women that have to go through fertility treatments in order to have our family that we have always dreamt of. One day we will all stand at the feet of Jesus and we will be judged. Until then please DO NOT judge us women that have gone or are currently going through fertility treatments in order to have a baby.

I totally agree with you! I hope she has a successful IVF and has the child she's been dreaming of.
AMEN! I can not believe that someone could do something like that. How awful. It is my prayer that she gets the miracle that her heart desires and that whom ever left the comment will come to realize the reality of wanting something as much as a child and struggle to find a way with God's help to make it happen. Thanks for sharing this story. I totally agree with you and especially with the comment of walking a day in the shoes of Kami, or anyone for that matter, before one should even dare to make a judgement on them.
Love and hugs,
That is horrible. I was on an allergy site the other day and there were several negative comments. I was so sad, if you don't agree, or like what you are reading. move on. There are so many blogs out there, certainly most can find someone the relate with. I would never dream of leaving anything negative to someone. Good for you for speaking up. I will be praying for Kami.
I agree with you. If you don't have a nice comment to leave than don't comment at all. I hope that she gets that baby she has always wanted.
Seriously that is awful. I hope she gets her miracle. I think science was inspired by god to help people.
AMEN...I recently received a not so nice email as well. It really shook me up...but I am ok now!
That is HORRIBLE!! That type of thing would up set me terribly. People can be so insensitive, and judgmental. Some things I may not agree with in life, but I keep them to my self. I just wish others would do the same.. I'll be praying for kami, and that if it is Gods will, to give her the baby she's been dreaming of this year :)
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