Well, we came home from a visit with my parents this past weekend and I noticed my plant was missing out of the pot. Well, I automatically came to the conclusion that my husband accidentally pulled it out and he admitted that it could be a possibility until I noticed the half eaten plant in the burner of our stove. I automatically started freaking out!! I was definitely in panic mode!! I sent my husband to the store to get some traps and I stood on the chair while he was gone. Yep, the whole time and my son was even playing in the family room and all I could do was stare at the stove where I saw the mouse scurrying across the floor. Shawn asked me why I wasn't concerned about Cameron and it wasn't that I wasn't concerned about him, but it was just simply me freaking out and not thinking about him. I know that sounds mean, but when you are so terrified over something.....well, your mind tends to go elsewhere. The funny thing about the whole thing, if you want to call it funny is that Shawn is DEATHLY afraid of mice too. Uh yeah, we had to scaredy cats trying to catch a mouse, set traps and freaking out in the meantime. Well, it was literally like a cartoon..... I was standing on the chair, Shawn and I were trying our best to set the traps and well we couldn't set a trap for anything. Everytime we would get it set and place it on the floor - it would snap and scare the crap out of us. I was hiding behind Shawn and he was screaming at me and well it was literally a mess!! After 10 minutes of setting a trap and putting it behind the stove......we caught the little pesky gray mouse. Oh, I definitely did not have any sympathy for him. Sorry to say that, but I am not a mouse lover!! I love animals, but certain ones I can do without ESPECIALLY when they are in my home when they belong outside!!!!
We have no idea how they got into our home, but we have traps set everywhere in our home. Not the plain old wooden traps because neither Shawn or myself can set them so we paid the bigger bucks for the ones that look like big chip clips. I just hope they work (lol). Anyway, yesterday was a day of cleaning, disinfecting, cleaning and disinfecting some more. I was on my feet ALL DAY LONG and was exhausted when the alarm woke me this morning. I told Shawn in a joking manner this morning that if I see another mouse then I will blow it up (hahahaha). It is probably a good thing I DON'T have any explosives or guns (lol). Anyway, hopefully with this being Day 2 of no little gray mice in our traps then that is a good sign. I am hoping it stays that way because I wasn't really up to doing my spring cleaning yet, but I guess I had to do it early anyway. I just don't want to have to do it again and well quite frankly I am not sure my heart can take anymore.

That just stinks... Hopefully you will get it all taken care of soon. Praying the traps work.
What did you use to bait the traps?
My parents had a mouse once...they are so fast...it freaked me out too. Yikes. Glad the coast is clear so far.
When I know a mouse is in the house I just want to MOVE! Silly, but I am so terrified of them that I can hardly move through the house. Uuuuuuhhhhh!
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