I think I forgot how much work little babies are and my little guy is only 2 years old. Day 2 of babysitting for the 8 week old little boy went just fine, but I must say that I am thoroughly exhausted. Last night I slept like a baby, no wait one second, I can't say that I slept like a baby because I forgot that babies don't really sleep all that much.... or at least not for long periods of time (lol). Isn't strange how you forget things like this in just a few years? I forgot what it was like to put down a baby in order to get dinner ready, to use the restroom or to do some laundry..... yep, I forgot all of the screaming that you have to listen to before you get back to picking them up. I must say though that I don't recall Cameron having that need to be picked up all the time or held..... ok, I will admit that I think we held him all the time just because he was our first and only child and well we waited so long for him, but when we would put him down..... he was content enough until we came to pick him back up. Anyway, it is hard for me to imagine myself being a Mom to more then one child especially just after these couple days. I am sure it would be different if they were my own and if they were spread out a little bit more in age, but taking care of 2 two year olds and an 8 week old is tough work. I told my husband tonight and he agreed that we weren't sure that we wanted more children. Part of me would like to have more, but then when I sit here and think about how crazy things have been with these 3 little ones.....well, I must admit that I don't think I would want to deal with that on a 24/7 basis. I have been trying to stay on top of laundry so we don't have to do any this weekend and we can just relax and my hubby has been working his 2nd job and unfortunately he has to be there 45 minutes after he gets home from his 1st job and well I have been making sure dinner is ready and well that is just awfully difficult with a little baby that wants to be held all the time. Ok, that was TOTALLY just a run on sentence!! Anyway, I am ready for a calgon, a vanilla cream soda and some pizza combos and then I think I should be able to just chill for the evening. Of course after I give little man a bath, get him an evening snack, clean up the kitchen, fold the laundry, go to the bathroom (for myself) and fill a sippy cup with some juice. Yep, hopefully I will be able to relax before it all starts over again tomorrow (lol). Anyway, I took some pictures of this cute little booger that I take care of and put them together on scrapblog. Take a look at this precious little boy!!

he is so precious. Love your scrap-page.
I agree, it would be different if they were all yours and definately if they were a little more spread out.
I hope it gets easier for you. I am sure it will.
Oh gosh, I remember those days. My little one was eighteen months when I brought number two home.
That little guy is so precious, I loved the scrapblog page. I am sure you will have a good routine down soon. Do you have a sling?
Sounds like very busy days ahead for you. The baby is adorable though.
He is a cutie...love the feet picture. I hope that you gave that page to his mommy...it is precious. Yes, 3 is difficult. Somedays I feel like I am done at noon...because I am just so tired. I know though that God doesn't give us more than we can handle...so I press on each day with my three lovelies. There will never be a dull moment in your house with the three of them:)
what a cutie! it was hard with 2 only 13 months apart, but worth it! hang in there and take it one day at a time!
He is cute. Lukas had to be held almost 24/7 he was so colicy. Then he got RSV and was a sick baby. So I think I can handle whatever Blair brings to us. I am a little nervous to have two little ones though.
welcome to my world... lol! i am going through all this for the first time... its gotten easier to say the least.
OH...look at those baby toes!!! I could just chew on them...hehe! Thanks so much for the sweet comment this morning. Sorry I've been a bad bloggy friend here lately. oxxo Ang
He is such a cute and adorable little miracle. :) Well I just have to say KUDOS to you for doing a great job with these two extra little ones in your home. You are doing a fantastic! And just so you know, I think that whatever you and Shawn decided more babies or no more babies, you certainly would be very successful at it. Who knows as Cameron gets a little bigger, you may find yourself getting baby fever again. I am so proud of you and could not think of any one else better to take care of my child. :)
Love and hugs,
Stacey :)
Oh... Your sweet boy is precious!
God is so good!!!
Thanks for sharing. May the Lord bless your week in really special ways! : )
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