Well, my husband surprised me with the shock of my life. Ok, not of my life, but of my most recent days!! Yep, he shaved off his goatee and well I was literally speechless!! LITERALLY SPEECHLESS I TELL YA!! I have never seen him without one and I met him with his goatee so I guess you could say that I prefer him to have his goatee then to not. Let's hear what you all think. His teaching job...... everyone actually likes it and his second job......mixed emotions. My parents like him with it and so do his parents, but let's hear what you all think. Do you like him with it or without. Can't wait to see what you all think.

I am partial to the goatee, but my hubby has one too...soooo! It's only hair, right? It'll grow back!
I like the goatee as well. My husband has been threatening to shave off the moustach and I am freaking out..he did it once and I did not like it at all. IT grew back in no time, and all was good in the world again:)
This kind of threw me...
Personally I do not like facial hair...period!
P grew a goatee once and I was like "gross". Though some people, that I don't have to kiss ;) look good them. :)
In your hubby's case, I think I like him better with, than with out.
You think he will grow it back? Why did he shave it? Just nosey. :)
I love a goatee, I refuse to let my hubby shave his off. I think your hubby looks fine either way.
My vote is for with,but my husband has one too as you have seen by our wedding pics and I have never seen him with out it.Just like you two, he had it when we met although he has asked me if I wanted him to shave it off.Part of me is curious and the other part doesn't like change.He says he'll do whatever I like best makes no difference to him.For now I am sticking to having him with.
I think he looks dashing either way. What was his reason for shaving it off? You used to be able to tell what season it was by how much facial hair my DH had... winter full beard, mustache in the fall and spring and clean shaven in the summer. But when the gray starting overpowering the brown... he stuck with clean shaven all year long... LOL Who says men aren't vain. Oops... this is supposed to be about YOUR man... I'm 50/50 on the look.
I too like the goatee! I have told my hubby NEVER to shave his off.He looks like a 15 year old when he does.I was once told by a random woman that he was way too young for me to be with.Excuse me..he's older than me by a few months.So since that day he has always had it!
I say Goatee!!
I like it with a lot better... but like PP my hubby has one too. Which I won't let him shave... which is funny b/c I hated the idea of it.
I think you will get used to it... or it will grow back :)
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