Good Afternoon All. Hope you all are ready for the weekend. We are heading to visit my parents this weekend and of course I am off to Amish Country again (YAY). I can never get enough of that place!! Oh, my dear sweet hubby bought me Nights in Rodanthe today for a Valentine's Day gift. I was so excited and it is something I have been wanting so I was pretty happy. Just wanted to remind you all if you haven't made a comment regarding my Pay It Forward Giveaway then today and this evening is your last chance. I think right now I have Stacy, Amy and Stacey. If I am missing anyone please let me know here or on the giveaway post. The winner will be drawn sometime this weekend so stay tuned later this weekend for the winner!! So, come on everyone please take a moment to sign up!!

I want to see that movie. Let me know if it is good. I love Richard Gere.
Have great weekend.
I was just thinking earlier today of putting that movie on my netflicks acct. ;)
Can not wait to see who wins your Pay It Fwd. :)
Hope you have safe travels to visit with your parents, as well as get to bring back lots of goodies from Amish country. :) Can't wait to see them!
How sweet of Shawn to give you that movie for Valentine's Day. I have not seen it, but it sounds like I need to. :)
Tell your mom and dad that Scott and I said "hi." :)
Love and hugs,
Finally catching up on blogging...this sick thing is for the birds!! Hope you have fun at your parents. I saw this movie and loved it, make sure you have lots of tissues! What a week you had weather wise...pretty rainbow though! Glad your house was spared, how scary. Happy Heart Day!
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