Five years ago today, I experienced a great loss. The loss of a child, a child that was taken way too soon. I often think about what life would be like with 2 children. Would he or she be caring and loving towards Cameron? Would they get along? What would their likes and dislikes be? Would they look like me or my hubby? Oh yes, I think about all of the things that could have been with this sweet child of ours. I remember the day like it was yesterday and never have our sweet baby far from my mind. I imagine that this little baby that was taken from us would and was definitely be a sweet and beautiful blessing from God and I try my best to imagine what he or she would have looked like. What would his or her personality have been like and would they make me laugh just like Cameron does?!? I think quite frequently about our sweet child. There isn't a day that goes by where I don't wonder something about what could have been. I sometimes hate how my mind plays tricks on me, but it does. I try my best to shut my mind down at times, but it is always racing and thinking about something.

Gone, but never Forgotten
Love, Mommy

that was so sweet. Beautiful picture too.
What a sweet memorial.... The sunset picture is beautiful
Hi Lisa,
I have read your blog a few times from going to Then Am I Strong and I thought I had been following you and I guess I haven't... I want to tell you that I am sorry for your loss. I am almost going on a year in March of my miscarriage and I don't even want to think of that day... It's a memory that just hurts so much when you want a baby!
I would love for you to follow my journey...
Your sister in Christ,
Very sweet and touching. I love the name in the sand.
A very sweet remembrance!
Is Cameron feeling any better?
Sending you all my love sweet friend
Praying for you today :)
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