It has indeed been a fun and interesting weekend to say the least. Our van has a dead battery so it was "dead in the water" so to speak and my hubby and FIL worked on that today for a little bit. Hopefully we will get a new battery tomorrow and see if we can get the van back in working order. Nothing like having a vehicle that isn't working. We also got the Christmas decorations taken down since the weather was a bit warmer and I must say that it is nice to see all of that down and put away until next year. I am just so anxious for spring so I guess if I have all the Christmas decorations down and out of the front yard and off the house then we are one step closer to warmer weather and SPRING TIME!! YAHOO.
I have been on a kick lately of making new prim items for my home so we went on a search for pears that I could prim up and would you think I could find any...... ah, NO that would be a negative! We went to Flower Factory, Garden Ridge and finally to Joann Fabrics. Garden Ridge had some, but I wasn't about ready to pay a couple dollars more when I could get them way cheap at Wal-Mart if they would just have more then the 2 that I already purchased. So, my day of shopping for fake fruit was a waste of time. To see what I have done with my pears.....check out my Prims from Above site. If you like decorating with primitives then this is definitely a great and fun craft.....if you can just find the pears (lol). I did find some apples so I will just have to change my ideas up a little bit and see what I can come up with. So, we will see.
Cameron received a gift at Christmas time that he literally loves. Well, today it broke and I personally think it is just from so much use. This Doodle Pro has been something that he has to take anywhere and everywhere he goes. It was definitely a great gift that he received from Scott and Stacey and well now we are getting ready for a burial. Yep, it broke down this morning and Cameron was SO upset. He loves this toy!!!! He calls it his "notebook" like what Joe and Steve have on Blue's Clue's..... it is just a larger version (lol). Anyway, we had to make an emergency stop at Wal-Mart this evening to get another one because he was so upset over it. Well, we didn't have the money to get one at all, but we got the cheaper version to hold him over until we can get the more expensive one. Uh yeah, he isn't too fond of it, but hopefully it will due til we get paid next week. I guess time will only tell. In the meantime we will have a funeral for Mr. Doodle Pro Tuesday when the trash comes. We had to cut the "crayon" off the old Doodle Pro because he likes that crayon alot better then the new one. Hmmm, perhaps it was just a waste of our money buying the new one.
We received our zoo membership passes a couple days and now we are just waiting for the weather to warm up a bit. I can hardly wait to take Cameron and start taking advantage of our year long zoo membership that my parents purchased for us. It should be a cheap and fun thing to do throughout the year and when the weather warms up and it is summer time then we can go to Zoombezi Bay which is the waterpark. FUN FUN!!
For now I need to think if I had anything to post for my Not Me Monday's...... it has been a few weeks since I have participated, but when you don't really have anything to share, well then you can't really take part in it. So, I better go see if I have anything and perhaps ask my DH what he thinks. He never tells me the truth....Nope, not him!!

Being without 1 of the vehicles does stink. When ours break down we borrow my parents. Thanking the Lord it hasn't happened in a very long time.
I know what you mean about the cheap version of the doodle pro...just not the same. Hope you get the new one soon. He has to find those clues. LOL
Have a great Monday!
My kids love the doodle pro too. By the way I was going to check out the prims, but your link did not work...
Hope the car gets back up tomorrow, that does stink to be down one.
Have you checked Wal for your pears? They usually sell everything online that they have in the stores. Usually it is free shipping if you have it sent to your local wal mart.
We love doodle pro here too. (and aqua doodle, that the latest fave)
Sorry about your NO luck fake fruit shopping. Do you all have Hobby Lobby?
I hope your van is back up and running soon. P's work van has caused us (well him) problems ALL winter long!!! UGH!!!
Did you see 60's on wednesday? Oh, Ohio weather!!! ;)
Well shucks! I'm sorry to hear that you are down one vehicle. That is not fun at all. Hopefully it will get up and running tomorrow. :)
As you know I am loving the prims and are ready to start mine next week. Went to Goodwill today and got lots of goodies!
Sorry to hear that you have to bury the Doodle Pro. I am so glad that Cameron likes it so much. We wanted him to have something that he was going to want to play with and would like. I love that he uses it as his "handy dandy notebook!" How cute. :)
Love and hugs,
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