There are so many things in life that bring me happiness. I love chocolate, sleeping in, bubble baths, flowers, my husbands big warm sweatshirt, a warm cappuccino, snow tubing, snacks, my camera and well the list goes on. There is one thing that is CONSTANT and that is the smile and love that I receive from my little boy. That constant smile, his laughter, his love, his touch, his hugs, his kisses and the time we spend snuggling is constant and those are the many things that bring me happiness!! I never imagined the love of a child, the love that I would have for him, but it is truly the best happiness that I have ever had. Cameron has brought so much happiness into so many lives. He brings joy that is never ending and he is such a caring little boy. I knew that when I was pregnant that I would love my son with all that I have, but I really had no idea until he arrived and was put into my arms for the very first time. Seriously, do you ever stop and think about how much love you have for your child? My son is my whole world. I just cherish him so much and I can't imagine what my world would be like without him. Shawn and I were so blessed when we were give the opportunity to move forward with IVF. It was our last chance at having a child and we were thrilled. We were excited and time and time again we knew that we would be a step closer to being parents. It was our thrill of a lifetime and it still is today. I was sitting in my recliner the other night and Cameron was sitting on my lap. He started rubbing my cheek and then leaned in to kiss my cheek. He stopped and I was doing my best to ignore him just to see what he would do next and that is when he leaned in to kiss my other cheek. My heart melted. He instantly made my heart melt and to be quite honest.... I am not sure how many times he kissed each cheek, but I must have known that I was having a bad day and he was doing anything and everything to cheer me up. Yep, it worked!! He brightened the rest of my evening and made me realize that things are never as bad as they seem. This 2 year old little boy is truly just the sweetest boy that I know and as much as I don't want to say it..... he will make a great husband and father someday. There will be one very lucky gal out there that will be blessed to have my son for her husband and I know that he will make her and their family very happy. Ok, what in the world am I doing talking about that?!? Anyway, I just wanted to take a minute and talk about my precious boy. He is my CONSTANT sunshine and we all know that "Sunshine Brings Happiness". I love you my sweet boy.... to the moon and back again!!

He is blessed to have a mother like you!
What a great post and a wonderful smiling (of course) picture of Cameron.
You are the best Mother that Cameron could ask for.
Very sweet post. Cute picture of Cameron too. They do know how to bring a smile to our faces. Who can resist?
Awww, what a sweet post about your adorable little sunshine. Loved the photo at the end. It is amazing how much joy these children bring to our lives..
I love the post!! You are a great mom and have a wonderful little boy!! He is so cute!!
Thanks for stopping by :)
Aw this post just makes my heart melt. Like all of the other ladies, I think that Cameron has the best mommy and daddy. His is so lucky to have you and you him. What a perfect miracle and blessing from God! I love the picture of Cameron, but then again, I love them all don't I. (lol) He is just that special little boy who steals your heart everytime you see him and his smile.
Love and hugs,
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