Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Well, I finally have some pictures of Cameron to work with for Christmas and I must admit that they are pretty cute. I wish I could get him standing in front of the Christmas tree, but I better not press my luck (lol). Unfortunately, I have very few of them where he is looking directly at me, but with a few others I thought I could put together a collage and then create a card to send out to everyone. So, I think that is what I will do. My trick that I used was Mickey Saves Santa.... yep, you heard me right. I have Mickey Mouse Clubhouse to record every morning so we have alot in storage so if he wants to watch some different ones then he has them. Well, we woke up this morning and I noticed that Mickey Saves Santa was on at 3:00 am and it was one that Cameron has not seen. Well, let me tell you that Cameron loves it and laughs and smiles through the whole show. So, while he was laughing and smiling.... I took about a dozen pictures and that way I can pull some out of that batch and use them. Good thing is that he was even clean and dressed cute so that was an added bonus (lol). He wasn't in anything with Christmas colors, but he has a cute little white turtle neck on and a Calvin Klein sweatshirt jacket so he looked decent. Anyway, here are some of the pictures that I will end up using for the Christmas card collage. The one large picture that I plan on using in the collage is of the one of him in front of the Christmas tree that I took on Thanksgiving day (the last picture). He is eating a cracker and has a few crumbs on his mouth, but hopefully that won't show up. I still have to crop and do a few other things to the pictures, but this is what I have so far...... pictures and that is what I wanted and needed. Let me know your thoughts!!


He & Me + 3 said...

Those are so cute. Don't you just love it when you get the shots you want? It gets more difficult the more kids you add to the mix. Talk about getting a good one with 3 kids, now that is difficult. It totally stresses me out to take thier pictures. :) I start really early, just so I can get a good one:)

Kelly said...

I love them all, but especially the one of him eating the cracker. Such precious pictures. CJ loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse too. We actually bought all of the ones they have on dvd. With turning our cable off in January, I want to be sure and have lots of variety of his faves for him for rest time and of course those times where you just need the tv to grab a few minutes of peace. he he he

Alicia W. said...

Awww, the last one is my FAVORITE!!!!!! Love it!

Honey Mommy said...

Those are the cutest pictures! The top one is so cute!

I have the hardest time photographing my oldest! When I do finally get a nice face, somehow it's out of focus! Argh! :o)

Unknown said...

Thanks for following my blog. Your son is a cutie! I'm looking forward to following yours too and hopefully I'll have an IVF miracle soon too. :)

Jenny said...

What a cutie!! I've been trying to think of ways to entertain my two little ones while snapping a good Christmas photo, so I love the idea of a Christmas show.

Thank you for sharing these adorable photos!

Lyndsay said...

I love the one where he is eating a cracker in front of the tree. You could do a cute play on words like..."chomping at the bit for Christmas to be here" or something like that. Too cute!

jen aka mommay said...

Very cute pictures!

fyi...picnik.com has some christmas card collages on there you can add your pics and save to your computer to print them. I love picnik for photos! =)

Lianna Knight said...

Hi Lisa!! I saw your comment on Mary Kate's blog and saw that you are an IVF mommy. MY husband and I are going for IVF #3 soon and are hoping for a pregancy this time. Please visit my blog...http://bethouaknight.blogspot.com and see our story. We are currently trying to raise money for the 3rd try.
I'm planning on reading your story from the beginning...I need some encouraging thoughts :)

McCrakensx4 said...

Cute pics! They are very card worthy! And it doesn't get easier as they get older! I must have taken 50 shots of the boys over the weekend and I didn't like one! Oh well, take 2!

Carly Marie said...

Bless you for spreading the rainbow prayer!

I am sorry that you have suffered a loss. I would love to do something for you at the seashore, please let me know if there is a name I could write or even a little love heart. You don't have to have it up on the site, I can just email you the photo :)

Anyway, your little sweet heart is a real cuite and I loooooooove your tree!

Much Love to you xxxxx

My email is carly@namesinthesand.net


Elaine at Matters of the Heart) said...

Just precious. Your little guy is adorable... Makes all that rough stuff nothing when you look at a sweet little picture like those.

Ashley said...

cute pictures!

3 Bay B Chicks said...

Your son is absolutely darling. I think you achieved great success with your photo efforts. Congratulations! As a Mom is a similar predicament, it is no small feat to snap a good shot for the all-important holiday greeting. And look, you have six pictures of wonderfulness. I am impressed!

I love the picture of Cameron in front of the Christmas tree. No way that the crumbs on his face will show up. You are good to go! :)
