I love days when I feel like I got alot accomplished. Well, with Cameron's 2 YEAR Birthday right around the corner... I decided to make birthday invites for his birthday party. Since his birthday is on a Tuesday this year January 6th, we decided to have the family gathering for his birthday on Saturday the 10th. Well, since I have my lovely new printer (courtesy of my in-laws) I decided to make invites this year. Well, I found some pics for his invitations and created them myself. I think that they turned out pretty good and well Cameron was thrilled with them. He was just so excited about having a party!! Anyway, I am going to start practicing on making a Mickey Mouse cake myself (decorating and all) and if that doesn't work then we will go with good ole Kroger or Wal-Mart so we will see. I thought if I take a try at it this weekend then perhaps I will be ok come birthday time and his cake wouldn't look too terribly bad (lol). I will keep you posted on that. Well, I included pictures of his invites. Hope you like them.
Park City Utah
2 years ago
cute card and what a cute party idea....Happy early Birthday wishes to Cameron. Can't wait to see pics of his party!
Cute invites!!! To answer your question...They get more at Christmas. Zoe's is 15days before Christmas,Kain's is 5 days after and Noah's is Jan.8th. The boys usually have a party together and we get them 1 thing each. But this year they wanted there own thing.So they chose to have a dinner and that way they got a better present.Because we didn't have to spend so much money on a party.
I do have a rule with other family members.Do not give the kids a gift and say it is their Christmas and birthday together.My birthday is 5 days before Christmas and that was done alot to me. Also don't wrap it in Christmas paper.
It is there specail day and combining it with Christmas takes away from them. But these are just my thoughts!! One good thing about having bdays after Christmas..there are great sales.
What a cute invite! I love Mickey too, what a great theme for a 2 yr old party! Hope it goes well ;)
Cute invites. We are having Lukas's party on the tenth as well. I as well am attempting to make my own cake a train cake. We will see how it goes. I bought a train cake pan they probably have mickey cakes pans at party stores.
How adorable! Those are really cute and perfect for Cameron. Such talent I tell you! The wonderful world of crafting and doing it yourself!
If I can remember correctly, Mazie had a Mickey birthday part when she was 3. I will ask Shelley what she did for Mazie's cake, because it seems like it was in the shape of Mickey. Or, maybe she made cupcakes and iced them so that when she put them together they looked like Mickey's head. Then, she had a small cake for just Mazie to dig into. Can't remember, but will ask her and let you know. :)
Love and hugs,
Stacey :)
Your invites are super. We love MMC. Cj's 2nd birthday was MMC too. I wish I had a pic of his invite. (I made it too) I do have pix of his cake. (it was in a mickey pan)
How much fun it will be. Can not wait to see pix.
Those cards are so cute! Great job! Love the font too. What a fun party it will be.
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