Monday, September 22, 2008

Not Me Monday

I follow a couple blogs on a day in and day out basis and noticed that one blog that I follow was starting something quite interesting and I decided to take a part in it. MCK mama has a GREAT blog with 3 beautiful children and another little boy due in October that could really use lots of prayers!!

Basically "NOT ME! MONDAY" is a blog that I will post on a weekly basis to share some interesting and possibly funny not me! facts about myself. So, let's get started......shall we?

1) I did not clean the bathrooms the other day in the nude because I was hot and didn't want my clothes to smell like chemicals all day long (Nope, Not Me!)
2) I did not tell me son that there was no more fruit snacks just so I could have the last bag (Nope, Not Me!)
3) I did not tell me hubby that I wasn't feeling good just so he would fix dinner (Nope, Not Me)
4) I did not eat a whole bag of TGIF's mozarella cheese stick snacks yesterday after AF came for a visit....those things are so addicitng (Nope, Not Me)
Hmmm, I can't believe I just shared some of those with all of you..... Have fun with this and be sure to check out MCK mama's website.


Mrs. H said...

just popped over from MckMama's blog!

I laughed out loud when I read the bathroom DID NOT! Too funny!


Stephanie said...

I LOVE THEM. I really like the bathroom one and the "sick" one. These are too good aren't they.

Rose said...

Cute blog! - a fellow MckMamma reader!

Jennifer | GraceLikeRainBlog said...

I'm soooooo glad I'm not the only one who loves fruit snacks. Just wait until Cameron gets into Fruit Rollups. I love those even more! LOLOL