Saturday, September 27, 2008

A Special Saturday

We are off for a family gathering today and we have to take a side dish and a dessert. I decided to take some of Cameron's favorites..... macaroni & cheese and chocolate chip cookies. Well, my husband decided to take Cameron out to play today while I was baking the cookies and I decided it was a tad bit chilly to be outside without a jacket so, I took a jacket out for Cameron. Just as I was walking towards Cameron to put on his jacket I noticed something in his hand. Awww, it was a beautiful bouquet, small enough to fit in his hand of some bright and beautiful dandelions! I must admit that I hate seeing dandelions in our yard, but I was in awe when he gave me the weeds. Do you realize that receiving dandelions as a small bouquet from my son was something that I had wished for a very long time? It was something that I had hoped and dreamed of every month that I couldn't get pregnant along with many other things that were running through my mind. It is strange because when you want something so desperately you think about all of the other things that go along with what you are dreaming of. Every month that I couldn't get pregnant, I knew I was missing out on so much more. I was missing out on feeling that baby move inside me, I was missing out on the wonderful experience of seeing a child be born, I was missing out on that special baby smell, holding and snuggling with them, touching those sweet and precious hands and feet and just being a part of their lives on a day in and day out basis. It is the small things that you long to experience...... the slobbery kisses, the messes on the kitchen floor, the mud being tracked in the back door, the dandelion bouquets, the lightening bugs in the mason jars and all of the other wonderful things that you could experience with a child (in my case a little boy). So, as I sit here and blog and look at my lovely bouquet of weeds, I also remember that I have been blessed beyond belief when I think about all of those small things that your child does for you. You can't hardly get mad at them and to be quite honest, I have learned to relax an awful lot since he was conceived. I enjoy those small things so much, I relax and just pick up the messes and sometimes I may even smile or giggle when I do it, but I just treasure those memories and moments to the fullest. Live to Love those special little gifts from your child and in the long run...... you won't regret it!!

1 comment:

Brittany..Following my Bliss said...

I liked your blog. Your little boy is adorable! Unlike you though, I love, love, LOVE dandelions... I think they are the prettiest "flowers" and I'm so sad when the season's change and I dont get to see them till next year! :-)