Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Progesterone Check Yesterday

Well, I had blood work done yesterday to check my progesterone level. I forgot how much I missed all that blood work (NOT). We should find out today whether or not I ovulated and hopefully the Clomid brought us some luck with trying to conceive Baby #2. I know that taking the Clomid this time around was enough to send me over the edge. I honestly forgot how evil I was when I was on it a couple years ago, but soon realized shortly after I started the meds this month that it is definitely a drug that I don't wish on anyone. Whew, it literally turned me into someone that I am not. I was always snapping at my poor husband and I was down right mean and nasty and that is SO not me at all. I am grateful that the Clomid appears to finally be out of my system and hopefully the rough cycle will bring us some good news. The side effects that I experienced this month were quite awful. The one side effect that always seems to effect me when taking this medication is definitely the MOOD SWINGS. I also experienced some awful cramping this time around and as always the hot flashes. I am sure that I ovulated, I actually have no doubt that I ovulated, but the question is still the same thing....... was it enough to help us create another little miracle? We certainly hope so, but we have also come to the realization that we won't go through another round with Clomid. We will just hope and pray that conception occurs with the help of God's hands and we will be able to add another little one to our family. It is always hard to understand why having a baby has to be so difficult for so many couples that long to have a little bundle of joy and for others it is as easy as 1, 2, 3. Well, I will keep you all posted on what happens if anything and here is to everyone else having difficulties getting pregnant...... I WISH YOU ALL LUCK!!

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