Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easter With Mawma & Pawpa

We left on Thursday and headed to my parents for a visit. Cameron loves both sets of grandparents tremendously, but it is always so special seeing him interact with your own parents. Anyway, we decided to color Easter eggs and it was alot of fun had by all. My Mom said that she hasn't colored Easter eggs for sometime so she really enjoyed it and spent most of her time coloring the eggs a bright red. I tried to go for a purple, but the colors were more of a blue then a purple. Cameron loved the orange and the yellow eggs, but he HAD to have a white egg in there somewhere. It was so cute and he LOVED it. Here is a Cameron and I coloring an egg blue.
Cameron and Daddy loved this bright color. Cameron was clapping with such excitement over the bright turquoise egg. He kept saying "More More". It was just so cute.
Here is Cameron with Mawma showing off his yellow egg. He was just so proud of his eggs.
Pawpa and Cameron checking out all the pretty colors.
Cameron is such a loved little boy, but Mawma is loved BIG bunches by Cameron. I don't think he let my Mom out of his site. He followed her everywhere and here he is helping Mawma fix coffee this morning. I love the look on both of their faces. Definitely a precious moment that I was able to capture.
Well, that is it for tonight. Hope you all have a blessed Easter!! As Cameron would say "Happy Easter Egg Day".


Amy B said...

Oh Lisa...
Is it possible for him to get any more cute? He is just adorable. I love to see your pictures of him.
I hope you have a Blessed Easter with your family. Hugs

He & Me + 3 said...

What a great time you all had. That is so special to spend time with the grandparents. Cute pictures you captured.

McCrakensx4 said...

What a special time with grandparents! And his exprssions are just so cute and funny; love the one of him with his mawma! Happy Easter!